Custom Turf Services offers core aeration service for your lawn.
What is core aeration?
Core aeration is the process of removing plugs or “cores” of soil and thatch from a lawn in order to make thousands of small holes across the lawn.
Why Aerate?
Soil may become compacted to the point that it is too dense to allow adequate circulation of air, water and nutrients within the soil. Excess lawn thatch or heavy organic debris buried under the grass surface can also starve the roots from these essential elements.
Core aeration loosens the soil and breaks up excess thatch so that oxygen, moisture and nutrients are able to move more easily into the turf’s root zone, where the turf’s root system is able to take them up.
Core aeration:
- improves the performance of irrigation by allowing water to easily penetrate the ground so that it doesn’t run off or evaporate.
- improves the performance of fertilizers by providing conditions that allow the fertilizer components to be readily broken down for use by your lawn.
- encourages new root growth, resulting in a stronger, more vigorously healthy lawn.
- Why Hire Custom Turf Services?Custom Turf Services’ core aeration process is quick and professional. We use commercial lawn aeration equipment to open up the soil across your lawn. And hiring a professional aeration service is faster and easier that renting your own equipment, so you get all the benefits of aeration without any of the do-it-yourself hassles.Professional Trick: Golf course greens keepers utilize core aeration in order to achieve the beautiful, dense turf grass. They understand that this method helps to maintain a healthy, thriving turf grass year after year. Smart, right?